Doing Business with Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory resources for custom shop work, glassware fabrication, and analytical chemistry services can be procured by following these guidelines.

University of Chicago researchers are able to use Argonne's Central Shops, Scientific Glassblowing Facility, and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for services that cannot be duplicated by commercial entities.

If one of these facilities appears capable of meeting your needs, please follow the instructions below.


Because these facilities are Government-owned resources, certain restrictions apply. In order to identify the next action steps, the initiator must answer the following questions. If you need help answering any of these questions, contact the person listed on the corresponding Web page or Argonne's Work-for-Others Manager, Dick Combs, at (630) 252-6797 or

Does your job utilize a capability that is unique to Argonne?

If the answer to Question 1 is NO, Argonne cannot provide technical services to you. Secure your requirements from a commercial entity by using a University Departmental Purchase Order.

If the answer to Question 1 is YES, answer the following questions:

Will Argonne staff have to do R&D and/or create intellectual property to do your job?
Will the job require more than six months of effort to complete?
Will the cost exceed $10,000?

If the answers to Questions 2, 3, and 4 are all NO, the vehicle for ordering the service you need is a "Basic Ordering Technical Service Agreement" (referred to below as a BOA) written by Argonne and signed by authorized procurement officials at the University and Argonne. Under a BOA, the charge to the University for a given job includes the same Laboratory indirect charges that would be charged to an Argonne research project purchasing the same job.

Here's what you'll need to do:

If you haven't already done so, get in touchs with the appropriate Argonne contact person for a preliminary discussion of your job.

If the preliminary discussion confirms that your needs (including turnaround time) can be fulfilled by Argonne, the contact person or a designee will ask you for the detailed input needed to prepare a Statement of Work and a price quote.

Concurrently, contact the person in your department who handles procurements and arrange for the preparation of a University Purchase Request form 100. The form 100 should be made out to the Argonne facility you wish to use. In the "Notes to supplier" section, include the words "Argonne's Basic Ordering Technical Service Agreement No. 87R01". Attach a copy of the final and accepted Statement of Work and price quote and forward all documents to the University's Procurement Services department. Procurement Services will issue the purchase order along with a signed Release Order.

If the answer to Question 2, 3, or 4 is YES or MAYBE, your job can still be done at Argonne, but a BOA may not be the right vehicle. Contact Argonne's Work-for-Others Manager, Dick Combs, at (630) 252-6797 or for further information.