Hotel Accommodations
The University has negotiated preferred relationships with hotels located in the Chicagoland area and around the world to offer discounted sleeping room rates, complimentary amenities and meeting space options.
Reservations can be booked via the self-service Concur booking tool, GEMS or by calling the University’s Preferred Travel Agency, Fox World Travel, (888)-209-7881 or (773)-693-1908.
If calling the hotel directly to book your reservations, please request "The University of Chicago rate" to receive the discounted rate and access to special amenities where offered.
Preferred Hotel Master Group Agreement
The University has developed a Preferred Hotel Master Group Agreement with our preferred hotels located in the Chicagoland area. This master agreement has established the terms and conditions of the meeting/event contract for clauses such as cancellation, attrition and indemnification. Using a preferred hotel streamlines the negotiation process since the only items to negotiate are the sleeping room rates for the specific dates and rental space for the program.