Affymetrix, Inc

Affymetrix, Inc.

Business size and ownership: Corporation (Publicly Held)

University Vendor Number: V1002171130

Affymetrix is a California based company with offices worldwide. Their arrays are used by many institutions to analyze the relationship between genes and human health.

Time Period

January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017

Contract Number


Customer Identification No.


Contract Pricing

Affymetrix has a hosted catalog in BuySite. By placing the Affymetrix product name or catalog number in the BuySite search screen, you will be able to search for the products you want and add them to your shopping cart.

Order Placement

Affymetrix, Inc.
3380 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95051

Services Offered

DNA Analysis

Shipping Charges

F.O.B. Origin, Freight Prepaid and Added to the Invoice.

Inside delivery as requested by individual purchase orders. An estimate of shipping charges can be requested at the time of order or prior to order.

Payment Terms

Net 30 days


All Affymetrix probe arrays and reagents reasonably determined to be defective, independent of user error, shall be replaced by Affymetrix on a 1:1, like-kind basis at no cost to Buyer or at Affymetrix's discretion, as a credit for future purchases, provided that such defective probe arrays or reagents were used by Buyer prior to their expiration date, or if there is no expiration date, the Products were used within six (6) months of receipt. The defect must be reported within thirty (30) days of discovery with appropriate detail to Affymetrix's Technical Support team (1-888-362-2447).

Form of Order

University Purchase Request (Form 100) to establish a Standing Purchase Order