Equipment Tagging

Tagging New Assets

All equipment owned and maintained by the University should be tagged with a University of Chicago Property tag to comply with University policy and Federal regulations. The equipment tag becomes the equipment's new identification number, making it easy to track the equipment and maintain accurate property records.

CAA will distribute equipment tags and tagging reports to departments for each asset meeting capitalization criteria. Place an equipment tag on the equipment in a visible location and return the form with the following information:

  • Tag number
  • Building
  • Room
  • Manufacturer
  • Model number
  • Serial number
  • Description (if different from the description found on the tagging request)
  • Acquisition Date

Click here to see an example of a tagging report including how it should be completed. A copy of the completed asset tag report(s) should be returned to CAA via email at

What if the asset can't be tagged?

There are some items that cannot be tagged due to the physical nature of the equipment. Examples include the internal components of a machine, magnets, or equipment located out of the country. These items fall into one of the following two categories:

The item cannot be tagged and is part of another piece of equipment

Items that cannot be tagged may be a component of another piece of equipment that is tagged (or taggable). For these items, indicate "Non-Taggable" in the Tag Number field and include the tag number that the item is part of on the form.

The item cannot be tagged and is not part of another taggable item

For any items that fall into this category, complete the remaining requested information on the form and indicate "Non-Taggable" in the Tag Number line. Also include a brief description of why this item can't be tagged.