Definitions and Acronyms

Administrator: An Account Administrator is the staff member responsible for monitoring the account.

Proxy: A Proxy is a University of Chicago staff member designated by an FAS Administrator to view FAS reports on the Administrator’s behalf. The Proxy has the same report viewing privileges as the designating Administrator.

Account: An Account is the six digit number assigned by Financial Services. It is a financial entity established to record transactions for a particular purpose or function.

Super User: A Super User has permission to view all Summary and Detail ledger reports. They may also designate proxies, if necessary, to any or all FAS accounts, or any subset of FAS accounts. These users are members of the Financial Services department, and designated IT Services - Financial support staff.

Executive Level: An Executive Level is the University Financial System’s designation for a division or an office. This is a two digit number ranging from 10 to 99.

Executive Level User: An Executive Level User is the principal divisional financial representative in the 35 primary Executive Levels at the University. An Executive Level User has permission to view all reports in their Executive Level.  Executive Level staff can designate proxies to any account or set of accounts in their Executive Level by specifying the account or organizational codes (exec, department, subdept, subsubdept).

OnBase: OnBase is the software document management system in which the Electronic Ledger (eLedger) application is developed. OnBase is produced by the Hyland Software Company based in Cleveland, Ohio.